Becoming a Trained Business Analyst

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With demand for Business Analysts remaining high and the average salary exceeding £47,000, training in Business Analysis can open up a range of exciting prospects.

Getting your first Business Analyst Job

There are only a few Business Analyst training options before you leave full time education, however, Business Analyst Degrees are becoming more and more common and the key skills of Business Analysis are rooted in core subjects.

In order to get the best start in your Business Analyst career, we would recommend that you look at specialising as early as possible to show your passion and commitment of your chosen career path. A simple Google search will reveal the different institutes that offer a Business Analyst degree.

A more common route to Business Analyst training is to complete a relevant degree – such as Business Management, Computer Studies etc and then complete an MSC in Business Analysis. This demonstrates that you have a wider knowledge of business or technology and the specific knowledge required to get an entry level of graduate Business Analyst Job. Many people are unaware of Business Analysis as a career option until they get a taster of it through one of these more mainstream degree subjects.

Topping up your Business Analyst knowledge

Many Business Analysts didn’t start off intending to be a Business Analyst. Many move in to the position from a technical background or another business role due to their knowledge and experience or through a personal decision that that is the route they would like their career to take.

So how do they top up their Business Analyst training?

There are several institutes that offer differing levels of training, from “Foundations of Business Analysis” to “Advanced Business Analysis” courses. We would recommend that before you enrol with any of these courses that you check to see that they are accredited by the BCS (the Chartered Institute for IT) to ensure that the certification you receive at the end of the course will be nationally recognised by employers.

You can find training partners online who offer distance learning options which enable you to continue working whilst you learn in your own time. This is ideal for those looking to top up their business or technical knowledge rather than train from scratch.

These courses are also ideal for those in

Junior Business Analyst jobs

who are looking to progress up the career ladder to more senior positions.

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