How to upskill yourself in the IT & tech industry

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As new technologies emerge, IT professionals must consistently upskill to keep up with innovations to remain relevant in the job market. 

According to a 2024 report from Technation, 43% of tech employers in the UK struggle to find candidates with the right digital skills, highlighting the critical need for continuous learning. 

Upskilling enhances your existing expertise, opens new career opportunities and allows you to adapt to future demands.

We’ve written a guide on how to upskill yourself in the IT & tech industry.

What Does "Upskilling in IT" Mean?

Upskilling in IT refers to acquiring new skills or improving existing ones to stay relevant in a rapidly changing industry. Whether it’s learning a new programming language, mastering cloud technologies, or understanding AI and machine learning, upskilling helps tech professionals maintain their competitive edge.

Identify Emerging Trends in the Tech Industry

To start upskilling, it’s crucial to identify emerging trends that are shaping the industry. Focus on areas with high demand and growth potential, such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

  • Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

  • Cybersecurity

  • DevOps and Automation

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technologies

Staying informed about these trends will guide you toward the most relevant skills to learn. 65% of UK tech professionals plan to enhance their skills in cloud computing, AI, and cybersecurity in the coming year.

How Can I Find the Right Learning Resources?

There are several platforms to help with upskilling in IT. Depending on your preferred learning style, you can choose from various formats such as video tutorials, courses, or books. Here are some popular resources:

  • Online Learning Platforms: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Pluralsight offer courses in almost every IT and tech field.

  • Certifications: Industry certifications such as AWS Certified Solutions Architect, CompTIA Security+, or Google Cloud Professional Engineer are highly recognized.

  • Books and Blogs: Reading blogs, books, and whitepapers is a great way to stay updated on new technologies.

  • YouTube Channels: Channels like TechWithTim, Traversy Media, and The Net Ninja provide free tutorials for various IT skills.

Should I Get Certified While Upskilling?

Yes, certifications can significantly boost your career. IT certifications not only validate your expertise but also improve your visibility in the job market. Popular certifications that help with upskilling in IT include:

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

  • Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer

Certifications in your specific area of interest demonstrate to employers that you have up-to-date knowledge and skills. It’s worth asking your current employer to assist you if you need financial support.

A 2023 report by PwC found that 52% of UK tech companies offer financial support or incentives for employees pursuing further education and certifications.

Practical Steps to Upskill in IT

Here’s how you can get started with upskilling:

1. Set Specific Goals

Determine what you want to achieve in your IT career. For instance, if you’re a software developer, focus on learning new programming languages or mastering cloud platforms.

2. Create a Learning Plan

After setting goals, create a learning plan. This plan should include structured courses, self-paced learning, or mentorship programs to help you achieve your objectives.

3. Engage in Real-World Projects

Applying what you’ve learned is key to upskilling in IT. Contribute to open-source projects, freelance, or take on side projects. That will allow you to use new skills in practical scenarios.

4. Join Tech Communities

Networking is critical in tech. Join online forums, attend webinars, or participate in hackathons. This way you can learn from other professionals and stay updated on industry developments.

How Long Does Upskilling in IT Take?

The time it takes to upskill depends on your starting point and the complexity of the skills you’re learning. For example:

  • Learning a new programming language might take a few months of consistent effort.

  • Obtaining a certification could take several weeks to a few months, depending on the level of difficulty and preparation needed.

  • Developing expertise in AI/ML may take longer, especially if you are new to data science concepts.

Upskilling is a continuous process that requires dedication, but with consistent effort, you can make measurable progress in a few months.

How Does Upskilling Boost Your Career in IT?

Upskilling offers multiple career advantages:

  • Higher Salary: Professionals with up-to-date skills can command higher salaries.

  • Job Security: Upskilling makes you indispensable in your organisation by ensuring your skills match evolving business needs.

  • New Opportunities: With new skills, you can pivot into emerging roles such as AI Engineer, Cloud Architect, or Cybersecurity Specialist.

As the UK government’s National Skills Fund plans to invest £2.5 billion in adult education, including tech skills development, now is the perfect time to explore certifications, practical projects, and tech communities to accelerate your upskilling journey.

Upskilling is essential for career growth and longevity. Whether you’re interested in mastering cloud computing, AI, or cybersecurity, continuous learning will ensure you remain competitive.

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