FreelanceUK readers, host your own event for European Freelancers Week

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It feels like 2020 has been a decade-long, and everyone has in some way been affected by coronavirus -- especially the self-employed, writes Jeannine van der Linden, a director of the European Coworking Assembly (ECA).

Creative industry freelancers have suffered the effects of the pandemic the most out of this contingent, and are still dealing with a level of uncertainty in their professional and personal lives, unlike anything we’ve experienced before.

For the self-employed, uncertainty seems to be the only certainty

Across the continent, the picture is mixed. Everywhere freelancers are facing insecurity over their work, as some companies are closing, cutting budgets or culling freelancers completely, while other companies are seeking freelancers but are unable to find them.

Then, we have the instance of redundant employees entering the fray as new freelancers and trying to find their way in the ‘new normal,’ with little or no official income support from coronavirus. The wider uncertainty for enterprise is leading companies to be nervous about future income and so freelancers, new and old alike, have also been facing the burden of late payments.

Nobody is coming to save us self-employed

However, while Covid-related challenges remain at the fore, there has never been a greater need for freelancers especially in a self-distanced work world.

Our rights and our contribution as freelancers are more important than ever, and we need to come together to harness our strengths and discuss solutions for the future in an uncertain workplace.

Increasingly, it is clear that no one is coming to save us, we are going to have to save each other.

A perfect storm of challenges

So it’s perfect timing that European Freelancers Week, hosted by the ECA, offers freelancers a space to share, learn, collaborate and connect. Now more than ever because of the perfect storm of challenges outlined above, this event is a vital platform to unify independent workers in the new normal.

From today, Friday October 16th, and until Sunday October 25th, we’re also calling on you self-employed who use or browse FreelanceUK to set up your own virtual events and celebrations -- at no cost to you, other than your time to set up and execute your own unity-inducing activity!

Get involved -- for the good of our unique way of working

More than that, we’re actively looking for your ideas, inspiration and creativity, which will be shared to a huge audience and network across the world. So each day, there will be a range of coworking spaces running multiple sessions on different topics, allowing you to jump in, learn and collaborate.

The good thing is (at this hard-pressed time) that absolutely any independent worker can arrange an event at #EFWeek, reaching and uniting freelancers and communities around the world. And of course, because this pandemic isn’t going to last forever, use whatever you set up to connect yourself to new work possibilities, creative industry collaborators and prospective commercial partners.

Right now, you can register any event - big or small, digital or in-person – whether something special for your community, a catch-up with fellow freelancers or past clients. Maybe even an out-reach to partners new?

Lastly freelancers, don’t be bossed by covid-19

We have the platform, you have the voice, and we’d love to have your freelancer brilliance onboard! Please participate to show this pandemic that the freelance workforce isn’t going to just lie down, take it and simply be inactive. To join and to register an event, click here or for more information click here.

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