Ever forgotten to attach your CV to an email? Gmail now has the fix!

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Although many recruiter websites tend to use an automated system to upload and attach CV's or cover letters to job postings, a number of online advertisements for IT job roles often have an email address to send your relevant documents to instead.

This is sometimes the case with smaller companies but the responsibility relies solely on you to attach your CV and cover letter to the email and make it clear what job you're applying for. It's not exactly difficult to attach documents to an email but what can happen is for people to click send and realise they've forgotten to actually attach anything! Infact, it's a very common mistake with a number of recruiters claiming they often receive job applications without CV's, a cover letter or any reference to the job the candidate is actually applying for. 

Even if you spot this mistake right away and make amends by following up with the relevant documents in a separate email it could potentially appear unprofessional to the recruiter. However, if you have Gmail you could save yourself from any potential embarrassments with it's new 'Undo Email' feature.

Google's email services now gives you a timer of 10 to 30 seconds to cancel that email before it shoots into the realms of the interweb so you can make amends without coming across as unprofessional or forgetful. You can choose how long you want to delay an email under Settings which adds a handy 'Undo' button shortly after clicking Send, preventing the recipient from receiving the email until that time has surpasses.

This isn't exactly a new concept and email clients such as Outlook have had a delay feature for a while now but Google has given it a bit more prominence in recent months since rolling out the option to all Gmail accounts. This can be useful for all sorts of scenarios whether that's retracting an email to your boss because you forgot to attach those important figures to accidentally clicking 'Reply All' with documents only intended for a few people. Either way, it looks like Google has your back from now on.


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