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Registered since : 29 June 2007

Replies: 3
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Views: 2347

Posted reply 26 March 2008 14:00


I have PMd you with some contact details

Hope we can work something out!
Replies: 3
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Views: 2347

Posted reply 25 March 2008 15:17

Hi all

I am doing regular contract web programming for a friend, and I would like to branch out and do more of the same for other small agencies. This would entail finding the agencies/one-man-bands who focus more on design and offering them programming with PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX etc etc. I also convert graphic designs into W3C-compliant XHTML strict.

I would like to find out more about the legal side of this, especially contracts, but despite trawling the internet and many many "template contract" sites, all I can find is contracts geared to full-on web development, ie design & hosting etc etc, which I don't want!

Does anyone know of any pure programming contracts, or even just advice on constructing my own?

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