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Messages count : 2

Registered since : 10 December 2007

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
Like  : 0
Views: 1214

Posted reply 13 December 2007 20:48

Cheers to Glebe Digital!

Thank you very much for replying! As I said before I am new to this and feeling about in the dark a bit but I will get there! This freelancing thing will either be a dead duck or it will totally take off and I won't know where I am....

Anyway, I was wondering if people would be able to give me some feedback on my website content; it is the first one I have ever been involved in and I am not sure how catchy it is and alot of you seem to have much more expertise than I have.

On a positive note though, I have just completed my first job as a freelancer and prepared my first invoice. Onwards and upwards hopefully!
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
Like  : 0
Views: 1214

Posted reply 10 December 2007 14:58

Dear All,

I would just like to say hello to you all and thank you for helping me solve some of the problems that I have encountered as a freelance business administrator!

At present I am just starting out but your site has been a valuable resource to me whilst carrying out research for my website, flyers, contacts etc.

If anyone would like to contact me for their administration needs please do not hesitate to do so or you can view my website which is detailed below.

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