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Registered since : 21 January 2008

Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1021

Posted reply 21 January 2008 14:27

It's a good while off yet as I am currently at University. I am doing a degree in computer Game Design however with the modules, subjects and software I am using the scope for jobs in different fields when I leave University is quite wide and have many niches I could go into. My original plan is to work as a designer whether environment artist or level designer and there are plenty of games companies a train journey from where I currently live so there will be no shortage if I was to try and get a job in one of these companies.

However my fiancees (spelling) mum wants to see the grand children grow up and doesnt want them to be on the other end of the country and being a free lancer is something I am considering as a back up as at the moment there are no video game companies in Devon and I pretty much doubt there will be any time soone.

Anyway my main question is how does a person go about being a freelancer? How do you get yourself into that niche market? Do I need an agent to work as a freelancer?

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