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Registered since : 28 January 2008

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 4
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Views: 1513

Posted reply 28 January 2008 22:52

flair, post: 4364 a écrit : why do you have to tell work??
I don't have to tell work if I'm not doing anything wrong. Some1 suggested that I should get my GP's permission. Just incase anything happened en route whilst I was off sick-to cover myself.
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 4
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Views: 1513

Posted reply 28 January 2008 22:48

I can't work because I am suffering from a frozen shoulder. Going to Hungary is just a ride and back. Like I said I am not bed ridden. Its just that I am unable to use my left arm.
I suppose you r right in saying mayb i'm asking in the wrong place. Just wondered if any1 might've the answer. Thanks anyway.
Ardesco, post: 4363 a écrit : You will probably be asked why you can't do your day to day job whilst you can go on a jolly to Hungary.

That being said since these are freelancing forums you are probably asking in the wrong place, freelancers don't have a boss to explain thier sickness too :)
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 4
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Views: 1513

Posted reply 28 January 2008 10:04

Hi All,

I am new here and have a question. I am off sick at the moment with a frozen shoulder after a fall.

Does anyone know if I would be allowed to go away to Hungary (from London)with my son who's going on a business trip for the weekend whilst I am off sick?
I am not bed ridden and am able to use my right arm.



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