Depending on how confident you are in your own abilities and how sensible you want to appear to clients, you could go down the lines of "Creative Rockstar"... :cool2
For those of you working from home who file tax returns, what percentage of your utilities (electricity, phone bill, etc) do you claim against, if any at all.
The easiest thing to do is call up the Inland Revenue and tell them you want to be self employed as well as continuing your current job where you pay taxes through PAYE.
The call only takes a couple of minutes and keeps the tax office happy.
It's a really tough one, even if you don't include the potential for bad feelings between you and your friend and career implications for your friend and their employer.
I'd almost be tempted to say fair enough and just take the fewer days payment and put it down to experience. You'd spend more time and effort chasing the full amount which you would need to argue was done to the best of your ability, even though the client says it's not up to their expected standard.
Take the money and run. Keep your friend as a friend, they save face with their boss and (hopefully) everyone's happy-ish.
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