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Unique-look design

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Registered since : 24 February 2008

Topic : Booklet
Replies: 2
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Views: 1735

Posted reply 20 June 2008 08:45

I know this is bad practice and I do not make a habit of this. The reason for my bad practice is that I know the author of the booklet (although I know it shouldn't make a difference to the way I work).

Any advice for a quote would be appreciated!
Topic : Booklet
Replies: 2
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Views: 1735

Posted reply 19 June 2008 16:31

Hi everyone!

I wanted to ask your advice on quoting for the design of a research booklet. Its a two colour design, the content and most images have been supplied. It comes to around 64-66 pages altogether. I have produced several different graphics for the booklet as well as laying out the content + design of a simple front cover (I have also improved the presentation of the graphs and tables supplied by the client at their request).

Could anyone give me advice on what they would quote for this type of work? I have a rough idea but I feel that it may be a bit on the low side and obviously dont want to undercharge for the work.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
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Views: 1177

Posted reply 16 May 2008 08:21

These are my thoughts on your problem, although I am not an expert but I have had some experience in this area. Intelectual property usually refers to who came up with the original idea and can generally be proven through dates given on computer files, emails etc.

If you came up with the idea solely by yourself this should be your intelectual property unless otherwise stated in any contract you have signed. Although you are a freelancer you may still count as an employee on the books (not entirely sure) therefore my advice would be to seek some kind of legal advice if your that concerned about the situation. I

t may be an idea to have a word with your boss or directly with a representative of the company your doing the 3D work for, as they may be able to sort out some kind of deal or contract were you can continue work on this if it is used (and continue to get paid). However if they say by rights its theirs and they are therefore not willing to come to any deal, I would then check your options through a solicitor to get some legal advice, at least then you know if its worth persuing or not.

Hope this helps

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