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Registered since : 19 May 2008

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Posted reply 10 July 2008 07:02

Hello Paul,

All you need to do is work out how long you think it would take to do them and then multiply that by your hourly rate. Make sure you over estimate your time and don't sell yourself short.

For items such as the 8 page brochure I would see whats involved before giving a price - it could be some very fiddly text or 8 pages of diagrams and illustrations to do!

Hope this helps

Topic : Introduction
Replies: 7
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Views: 2457

Posted reply 6 June 2008 11:24

Just wanted to say that I agree with echo, about the work that is, I really like it. The hand illustrations in particular are my favourites! Good stuff *does some screen grabs*

Welcome to the forum : )
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 2881

Posted reply 6 June 2008 11:09

janner in exile

Hello Amanda, just wanted to say good luck on your new venture from a fellow Plymouthian, although its been a few years since I lived there now. I often dream of moving back... such a beautiful part of the country.

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