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Registered since : 2 June 2008

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Views: 1611

Posted reply 12 June 2008 14:06


That sounds interesting, can you please provide more details?


Forum : General Forum
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Views: 1611

Posted reply 3 June 2008 08:46


Thanks for the reply and the advice. I hope the post did not sound too defeatist. What I really wanted to find out (and this is what you touched upon) is where to start. It would appear that your friend started out by doing a low-paid job at a publishing firm and as I am looking at going into journalism, I should be looking for jobs in publishing etc at a low level.

Unfortunately, my portfolio is somewhat slim. I have several business related profiles of companies looking for investment from venture capitalists. I wrote these on behalf of a VC consultancy. I have also written several research pieces for the local council I work for and for a development agency.

Thus, where do I go from here? How do I go about beefing up my portfolio, also is there a forum or website that advertises jobs especially for the publishing industry. Once again although I would love to work in business journalism or on videogame writing. If I end up working for "What flange?" so be it as long as I get the experience.

Sorry if it sounds like I am asking to be spoon-fed information. I am not; I just want to come up with a fairly solid plan and then soldier on with it.


Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1611

Posted reply 2 June 2008 09:18


My name is Graham Roberts. I am 25 years old and hold a 2.1 degree in English from the University of London.

I have a passion for journalism, yet due to poor A level results, without being overly pessimistic, I think I will find it very difficult to become a graduate trainee with the larger publications.

I have experience of writing for various B2B audiences. However, most of my work has had a financial bias. I have a passion for Video Games and Video Game culture and thus would like to explore writing within this sector. However, I would be happy to write for any sector in order to gain experience and get myself started.

I have spoken to several journalists (some of whom are distant family members) and all of them have said that I should just phone companies up and send in work "on-spec". Whilst I understand what they mean, I doubt the process of getting work is as straight-forward as that and whilst they don't find it daunting as they have been "in the game" for years, for me I find the concept quite a difficult one to grapple with.

Could anyone on here please give me some advice on how to get started doing freelance work? I will do a journalism qualification if really necessary. However, aforesaid family friends have told me that I may not need it.
I live in Cambridge (UK) so if you live close by perhaps I could meet you in person as opposed to writing ream after ream on the forum.

Thanks in advance

Graham Roberts

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