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Registered since : 2 June 2008

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1611

Posted reply 2 June 2008 15:00

Hi Graham
I was in a similar position when i finished Uni, though i did a completely different degree to you. My problem was that i did the wrong degree to the career i found myself wanting. I work as a modelmaker, which is renound for employing freelancers only but i managed to bag myself a full time job (practically unheard of). This isn't because i am the best out there, nor am i an exceptional bullsh*tter. Its because i phoned and sent my portflio to everyone who had an address, and my work and determination made me unforgettable and once in, i did everything i could to make myself indispensable to the company.

The most important thing to do, i found, is to aim high, but expect to start low. Accept placements in any organisation in your field, no matter how low down and soon enough, you will be able to make your mark. Bear in mind, once you have your foot in the door, you are in a better position for openings in said company, plus you get to hear about them first (normally). My freelance writer friend started as a tea boy/runner type at a publishing firm, and worked his way up through the copy write route, and is now in good stead for getting a column. He finished Uni a year ago.

Unfortunately, like me and every other person out there battling for a place in the world, its all down to making yourself known and indispensable.

Just remember, if you have the determination and self belief and the talent, A Levels wont come into it. I dont know anyone that got a job off the back of their A Levels (unless they dont have a degree), and even though i did a different degree to the job i wanted, i still forced my way in and succeeded.

You can do the same

Good luck!
Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1172

Posted reply 2 June 2008 14:48

Hi there
I am currently employed full time at a studio but the boss is complaining that PAYE is costing him too much to keep me on it (i am the only employee on PAYE, everyone else is freelance self employed). I like the security being on payroll offers, and am unsure that he wants to take me off it.
However, this is where the line gets hazy. He says he doesnt want to take me as a freelancer as he can only employ them for 6 months at a time... he thinks this is a general consensus across all businesses, but i have worked with freelancers before who have been in their current position for years.
Can anyone help clear this up? Or offer alternative to Payroll but with more security than freelancing?
Many thanks!

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