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Registered since : 24 June 2008

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Posted reply 22 August 2008 14:49

Hmm Dale, just noticed how similar in wording your ad is to mine...and an ad I've put on Gumtree too! Hope you're not pinching my wordage dude?! Shock horror!!! :embarassed

This is what i wrote way back in June:

Does Anyone Need A Ruddy Funky Graphic Designer From Cheshire??!
Greetings fellow arty-farty's!

I'm a graphic designer from Cheshire (not the posh part, hmph!) seeking work as a freelancer. I'm just setting up my own business (Joco Graphix) and am on the hunt for potential clients at the moment.

About me:
25 years old, 5'8", blonde, own teeth, 3 Blue Peter badges (yes, really!) Graduated in 2004 with First Class BA Hons in Advertising. Carried out design work for Orange, Schuh, 4ft Soldiers and lot's of local clubs/organisations. Mad about design, advertising, music and guitars.

Specialities include:
Point of sale design, flyers, posters, cd artwork, illustration, web graphics, advertising, copywriting, logos, business cards, personalized wedding invites/birthday cards.

I like to inject my quirky humour into all of my designs. I love working with images AND words...hurrah!

Please drop me an email if you want to view some of my work. I'd love to collaborate with some funky companies who are looking for a ruddy quirky designer!

Thankyou kindly,


I'm sure you're creative enough to think of something more original, your work seems pretty good anyway! I won't phone the creative police *just* yet, but consider this a wee slap of the legs Mr!

Jo :happy
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Posted reply 20 August 2008 06:54

Oops, I meant 'thanks Kay'...obviously your name's not Calibre!! hehe!
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Posted reply 20 August 2008 06:53

Thanks calibre! Much appreciated! I've sent my quote, so hopefully it'll be a competitive one and they'll go with me. I'm just starting out as a freelancer so it's all a learning curve at the moment!

Thanks again!

Jo 🙂
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Posted reply 19 August 2008 17:28

hey dale!

snap! i'm a designer from those parts too! also 25, how ruddy spooky!
are you a freelancer now then?

jo 🙂
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Posted reply 19 August 2008 09:35

Hi all.

I've been asked to design 9x a4 page featuring a photo montage on one side and copy on the reverse.

Each image will be be based on their logo, so i will need to edit each image accordingly, add copy and design the layout.

The copy will be the same across 4 of the pages, but different across the remaining 5.

It'll take some time to do this project, i estimate a week...possibly more. They will also need several ammendments. The design will be very corporate.

I've come up with an estimate figure for the job based on a price per page for image and copy. The company i am doing this for will be getting a quote from an agency also.

I was wondering as a freelancer, what sort of price i should charge and what an agency would typically charge? I have an idea...but just wanted to get some advice on this subject!

Any help (ASAP!) would be super duper!

Thanks all,

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Posted reply 3 August 2008 18:11

Hi Faizan!

I agree. In my experience I don't think graphic design companies are that bothered by qualifications when it boils down to it. Aslong as you have good experience in the relevant software (photoshop, illustrator etc etc), backed by a strong portfolio that's what appeals to them more than anything.

Alot of jobs ads will say 'must have degree in graphic design or equivalent' but try not to let that put you off applying for them...you never know if you don't try!

I gained a first class degree in Advertising and while alot of companies were impressed, just as many dismissed it...at the end of the day it's down to your ideas, talent and how hard you work. A degree is just a piece of paper! Honestly, don't let it bother you. Stick at working on your portfolio and writing to places to get experience.

Good luck with everything!

Jo 🙂
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Posted reply 24 June 2008 07:36


I'm new here and wondered if anyone knows of someone needing a funky graphic designer?

I'm 25 from Manchester and am just starting out as a freelance designer, starting my own design business.

If you'd like to see some of my work, please get intouch and i'll send some samples over for you to look at!

Thanks people!


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