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Creative Mischief
Messages count : 2
Registered since : 1 July 2008
Posted reply 9 July 2009 07:27
Hi, my accountant set up a simple Excel sheet for me which is a pretty easy way to do it and all you really need to keep track of everything. It works out all the sums for you as well.
Book keeping is the one of the down sides of freelancing but as long as you keep on top of it in the simplest way it should be OK.
Book keeping is the one of the down sides of freelancing but as long as you keep on top of it in the simplest way it should be OK.
Posted reply 1 July 2008 14:22
I am a freelance Graphic Designer who desperately needs to get my portfolio up onto a website. I'm am able to design it and make it look pretty etc but the thing is I don't really know where to start with the technical side of things.
I bought my domain name last year with UKreg/Fasthosts but I have no idea who I should buy my hosting with. I've read so many bad reviews on Fasthosts and I don't seem to be able to find a company who has good reviews and cheap hosting. I've been recommended Daily.co.uk and 1&1 by friends but they seem to have bad reviews too. I'm so confused and just don't know who to go with or what I need. :confused2
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you,
Creative Mischief
I am a freelance Graphic Designer who desperately needs to get my portfolio up onto a website. I'm am able to design it and make it look pretty etc but the thing is I don't really know where to start with the technical side of things.
I bought my domain name last year with UKreg/Fasthosts but I have no idea who I should buy my hosting with. I've read so many bad reviews on Fasthosts and I don't seem to be able to find a company who has good reviews and cheap hosting. I've been recommended Daily.co.uk and 1&1 by friends but they seem to have bad reviews too. I'm so confused and just don't know who to go with or what I need. :confused2
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you,
Creative Mischief