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Registered since : 9 July 2008

Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 7512

Posted reply 14 October 2008 16:27

Hi all,

I have a design in illustrator, its all CMYK. The problem comes when I save the file as a PDF or even export it into photoshop, the black of the background is really wishywashy and not quite black. So all objects like photos, logos etc which actually are black, really show up the background for the black it isnt. Can anyone help!

Thanks a lot

Reply: 1
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Views: 1490

Posted reply 9 July 2008 06:13

Hi all, I am just starting out doing freelance work and I would like to have a rough idea about what I should charge for the following items:

Corporate logo design
Business card design
Letterhead Design
A5 & A4 Leaflet design
8 page booklet design

I am in the NorthWest of England if the area makes that much difference. Appreciate any advice you can give me.



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