I have been cold calling new business for 27 years using the knowledge I gained through Dale Carnegie (how to win friends and influence people). It enables you to take control but in essence Honesty and Directness is the key that works for me (and the 56 sales people I am responsible for). I have read endless material on selling most of them reiterate Carnegies work.
(I work freelance as well as being employed as head of R&D at Reach Global Group of Companies I also head premier client services for Adrac Internet Marketing & Online Advertising - SEO, Pay per Click & Search Engine Optimisation Services)
To quote a forgettable MP "get on your bike and ask for the business" the law of averages means if you make enough calls you will get some business in, as you develop your selling skills you will be able to target clients better and spend more time doing your job not prospecting.
I can put a basic script together for you that will allow you to at least start a conversation with prospective clients, if you let me know your strengths and the market you intend to sell to and I can put a little strategy together for you.
The only thing I would ask in return is that if my guidance proves successful that you recommend me for marketing projects to your clients.
Very kind of you to offer but 'cold calling' and the dreadful world which has grown up around it in recent years leaves me... cold. Having this day been plagued by endless such calls, I have little but contempt for anyone engaged in the business of unsolicited personal approaches.
It is a 'profession' which owes its existence, self avowedly, to 'the law of averages' rather than any actual use of intelligent thought and which should be eradicated or, as a more charitable 'little strategy', consigned to the Golgafrincham 'B' Ark...
It can sometimes feel like it's you against the world.
What local organisations have people found to be of help in maintaining morale, if nothing else?
The sense of collegiality or cameraderie that you get as being part of a greater collective effort - say in a school or hospital - has to be forgotten but is there any substitute that the loner can turn to?