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Messages count : 2

Registered since : 5 September 2008

Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1760

Posted reply 19 December 2008 10:02

Hiya all,

I've just started freelancing full time and was wondering how much money to put aside for tax and NI. A few people I've spoken to say I should put a third of what I get into another account for tax and NI is this about right? is there a website I can go to for more info?

Another question I have is where do freelancers stand if there is a late cancellations? Do the employers still have to pay you?

Reply: 1
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Views: 1744

Posted reply 17 September 2008 16:57

Hi all,

In a bit of a dilemma and hope someone out there can help!

I'm currently in full-time employment, looking to go freelance full-time next year, but I am getting really confused about how to go about it, as I am also currently set up as a sole trader (as I do some bits and pieces after work).

Not really sure what steps to take from here - can anyone advise? Any tips for pitching for work out there?

Also, what are everyone's thoughts on freelancing now - especially when the economy is so bad - Is it likely to freelancers badly?

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