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Registered since : 28 September 2008

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Views: 1860

Posted reply 28 September 2008 18:12

For Small quantities as you have mentioned then the most cost effective route forward is Digital Printing. Check out your local area for the nearest one to you but be aware that the beast of the process is geared for short quantities and not for finite print finishing (special spot colours). Another point is to be aware of the limitations to available paper stock although most paper companies are bringing out new lines. Again a good local digital printer will be able to advise and guide you on this.

With regards to the promotional items (badges, balloons) you will be restricted to minimum quantities and generally single colour. Basically if your client only wants 50 balloons and minimum quantity is 200 then you have to advise of this. Again check your local area first (internet search, local directory).

If this is your first time contracting out then look to build trade alliances and as Calibre Designs mentioned eventually they will offer you reasonable trade prices.

Hope yhis helps

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