i agree with you of course and that the way that i think all professional webdesigner like you is thinking and how they work . . but thank you very much for your qoute. . it was quite usefull to me honestly. .
I will take your opininion under consideration and my research till came to the conclusion : i believe that it is not Flash’s fault. On the contrary, it’s the clients and users (and designers to some extent) that are not yet ready to accept Flash a modern alternative to classic web design methods/process.
Hi, I am new to this community, and I hope you can help me with some research I am conducting...
I am a second year Graphic Design student in the UK, and I am working on a module titled "Research in the Commercial World", in which I must research a specific area of commercial practice.
My main area of focus is Web-Design, and how in recent years flash has shifted from being a secondary element in a website to one of the main ingredients of a successful site, possibly sometimes the sole ingredient...
I have put together three research questions that I would be grateful if as many of you could answer for me. The answers you provide me with will help me form an opinion on the matter, so I can then feed-back my findings and conclusions to my tutors.
The three questions are:
1. What decision making leads you to using flash in your websites?
2. Does it depend on the client to decide if they want you to use flash?
Or is it up to you?
3. Once you have decided to use flash within one of your websites, how do
you judge if it should be completely done in flash or a mix of
Thank you all in advance...
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