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Registered since : 15 November 2008

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1320

Posted reply 4 June 2009 08:58

Hi everyone,

I carried out some work building a website recently for my client and issued a couple of different invoices for various work that was carried out.

Invoice A is now some 7 weeks overdue and invoice B is coming up to being a week overdue. There is a third invoice which is due to be paid by next week.

Alltogether I am owed over £1200.

The client has today informed me that they are having money troubles and they will "let me know what they think about the both overdue payment and what they think they can do about paying" in a few days.

I really don't know where I stand, I am worried about what would happen if they are about to go bust, and really dont know where i stand, I have been chasing these invoices quite a bit.

Whilst I dont wish to brun bridges with the client I do not want to remian unpaid, im pretty annoyed that they hadme do the work if they couldnt afford to pay for it.

Can any one offer me some advise on where I stand and what I should do next?

Thanks in advance.

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