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Registered since : 13 January 2009

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 4
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Views: 2473

Posted reply 16 January 2009 11:14

Thanks for the advice guys, very much appreciated.

RobCT - That was my plan, I figured I'd send the email to all of the companies in the area that I know of (most of which I've spoken to before and are pretty friendly) and then follow it up with a call later in the week, just as a little reminder. Can't hurt!

One more question about emailing, are there any legal implications emailing these companies? Am I allowed to?! Thought I'd read somewhere that you need to get the companies from an approved list....could be wrong though. A work around could be a phone call first which then directs them to the website/portfolio.

Thanks again
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 4
Like  : 0
Views: 2473

Posted reply 13 January 2009 20:13


I'm just starting out down the freelance route (Landscape Architecture) I need to send out my portfolio with a covering email to all of the Landscape Architects in my area.

I could really do with some advice on how to word the email for best impact and first impression. Are there any good examples out there on the web that I've missed? I'm not having much luck at the moment.

Any help greatly appreciated!


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