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Registered since : 15 April 2009

Topic : logo crit
Replies: 12
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Views: 6754

Posted reply 18 May 2010 13:00


Just wondering if you guys could give me some feedback about my logo design, its for an animal charity.
Im a bit stuck on what colours to use, what do you think?

Thanks for you time

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Views: 1486

Posted reply 16 April 2009 11:33

Im doing reseach for my dissertation, and i am currently trying to find examples of the 1960's design styles (psychedelia, hippies, political protest and so on) in contemporary pieces.
Was just wondering if anyone knew of anything?
Thanks for you help
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Views: 1450

Posted reply 15 April 2009 18:33

Hi there,

I am in my second year of a BA Graphic Design course, and i am currently preparing a presentation on my dissertation for next year.

I have been asked to include a comprehsive list of all intended primary research material to be analysed and discussed in my dissertation.
However i am unsure as to how i would go about this, my dissertation title is:

What contribution to graphic design and popular culture has the hippy subculture had, since the 1960's?

I think i know what primary research is, but i dont know what kind of research i could be doing.

Thank you for your time,

Replies: 2
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Views: 2057

Posted reply 15 April 2009 05:27

I am 22 years old and I am currently studying my second year of a BA Graphic Design course.
I have spent my whole life in education but I am now starting to worry as I havn't actually had a job in nearly 7 years. I don't even know how I got to this point, and now I don't know what to do! Made even worse by the issues regarding employmentat present.
Am I completley screwed? Is there any hope at all? What should I do?
Thank you for your time,

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