Just a quick question...
Im going to be setting myself up as a sole trader, as well as working part time in my current employment. Im doing some freelancing on the side to earn a bit of extra cash to start off with, and then eventually form as a Limited Company.
Question is, do I need to set up a business account if i am a sole trader? I probably will be earning less than £5000 p/a.
Also, I have just finished Uni, and I have photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign etc as copies from friends, so they are not legit. Would I need to buy all these software packages officially when I start?
I'm looking to take the plunge into running my own Freelance business. But before i dive in head-first, I want to build it up slowly.
I read that in order to start your own business, you have to contact the Inland Revenue and declare yourself self-employed. But if i want to a=start my own buisness AND continue working part time at my local retail store, do i still have to tell them i'm self employed?
Also, does anyone know the first steps to getting off the ground with the business, in terms of any books or free booklets or who i would go and see about it? :eyes
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