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Messages count : 2

Registered since : 5 March 2010

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 4
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Views: 1785

Posted reply 11 May 2010 19:09


Hi Ellamay,

You will need to pay NI and Tax even as a Freelancer, might be worth giving HMRC a ring to see how much tax and NI you should be paying. You can find more information with these links below : HM Revenue & Customs: Self Employed
Registering as self-employed: the basics :: Freelance UK

Hope this helps. If you have anymore queries feel free to drop me a line.
Kind regards
Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
Like  : 0
Views: 1407

Posted reply 25 March 2010 16:03

Hey guys,

Any tips on what mac I should purchase? Is it worth it? Any recommendations much appreciated, I'm still working on a PC, pretty old school.

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