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Registered since : 13 May 2010

Forum : General Forum
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Views: 982

Posted reply 13 May 2010 15:03

Hi all, hope you can help? Due to unforseen circumstances, i have lost my database and having moved home, my service didn't forward my details, found out too late!
Anyhoo, I am recieving working tax, and finally applied to jobseekers. After signing, informing, all honestly, told them everything they wanted to know. After 8 weeks, finally got the award...YIPPEE! Still no money from jobseekers though.
Today they say that as I recieve working tax, I can't have jobseekers.
On paper it looks like I work thirty hours paid work..but at present, the work related work outweighs the paid aspect, most weeks getting no paid work.
Told them this but have suspended claim anyway.
Can anyone please help?
This is making me so ill, I don't want to be on benefits.
Thank you. Piles of smiles, Dobby. x

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