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Registered since : 30 June 2010

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 5119

Posted reply 9 February 2011 18:32

Hi guys,

Thanks for your responses. I live in Northamptonshire. So hope to work for companies there plus Leicestershire, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire and see how that goes. It's good to know you think I'm around the right sort of amount, doodlebee, it's not the sort of thing you can really ask people to their face!

I am interested in learning a bit more about websites too. I have a really basic knowledge of Dreamweaver but nowhere near enough to be able to charge for it! Definitely a good way to use non-working time... more constructive than the PS3! :grin
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
Like  : 0
Views: 5119

Posted reply 5 February 2011 12:07

Hi everyone

I am considering going freelance as my employer may be making redundancies soon and having rang around a few agencies, freelance looks like the right option at the moment.

I have 10 years of agency experience and would consider myself to be a middleweight designer with good artworking skills, but no coding skills. I'm looking at freelancing for design agencies rather than direct to clients initially.

I need to decide on my rates and am finding it tricky. I'd love to know what other freelancers with similar experience charge for hourly and/or day rates? I'm thinking around £22/hour and £160/day (works out at £20/hour).

Any feedback/advice would be great. Thanks 🙂

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