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Messages count : 2

Registered since : 11 August 2010

Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1890

Posted reply 21 August 2010 06:33

Guess this answers my question then :P
Freelancers' Questions: Any risk to freelancing for my ex-boss? :: Freelance UK
If you choose to work as a sole trader, the onus is on your client to consider your employment status as this will determine whether they can pay you gross or net of tax and National Insurance.
I take it this means I just need to make sure my client doesn't take NI/Tax off what I get paid as I will be sorting that out myself (I've chosen to be a sole trader).
Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
Like  : 0
Views: 1890

Posted reply 11 August 2010 13:08

I have been offered some work by my ex-boss. It sounds like it will be a several small projects over the next few months partly working at home but also on site at the company's office.

I don't expect to get much more work after this, maybe other small projects from the same company when they are too busy in house. But I don't envisage this being a regular thing maybe a few hundred pounds worth every year.

Do I still need to register as self-employed and declare these earnings.

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