Frankness and bluntness appreciated workinprogress.....not being a graphic designer I need truthfull expert feedback. I was kinda thinking all the things you so eloquently and succinctly commented on, but was hoping maybe I was wrong. Ta for the heads-up on logopond
Most grateful for any comments whatsoever on attached logos......colour in particular on the cube one, the font, initial impact, message it conveys, etc
The logo will go on a website with a solid black background.
It's also to be used as a graphic on the side of some white vans.
It's for a group of varying small businesses, that have got together to form a co-operative organisation for, networking, exchanging ideas, marketing and generally helping each other to sell their products/services. Membership is via an ongoing vetting and feedback system.....hence the "people you can trust" bit.
Other non-graphics people like myself, Mum and Dad and Mrs Miggins in the pie shop next door are liking the cube one, but are not sure about red and blue.
Thanks for your help
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