You might reflect on what you are selling. A website is an inanimate object, a business solution is not.
If all your customers want is pages on the web they can send people to instead of a brochure, they can do that for nothing. Should they be looking for ongoing benefit, not least customers, this is altogether different and creating the site is simply a stepping stone.
Many people make the assumption that putting up a website will somehow give this an impetus of it's own. Explain reality to them and what they need to do on an ongoing basis. Don't even think about selling websites, sell return on investment.
I'd say about 90% of web developers believe that too.
Going freelance on with graphic design is a tough call. There's so many out there that are willing to undercut your prices and it usually means you'll find it harder getting top quality high paying clients.
However if you already have good clients then do your maths before agreeing anything with them.
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