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Registered since : 2 November 2010

Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1110

Posted reply 4 November 2010 12:13


I will soon be starting out as a Sole Trader doing some occasional digital work. At this point I am not expecting to make a great deal of money but this could catch me by surprise over the period of a year.

I really don't know whether I should apply for a Small Earnings Exception or not.

If I DO NOT apply and make less than the threshold, how long do I have to claim this back? Is it an easy process?

If I DO APPLY and go over the earning exception, Is this more complex?

Thanks again.

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
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Views: 1744

Posted reply 2 November 2010 19:21

Thank you.
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
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Views: 1744

Posted reply 2 November 2010 12:10


I am considering signing myself up a sole trader so I can do some freelance graphic design work for a couple of local business. I will continue to work in full time employment so my question is: will I still have to Pay national insurance as a freelancer when I pay it though my monthly pay checks already?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, Im trying to get my head around this and it's a lot to take in.

Please note, my earnings as a freelancer will not tend to be very heigh. I am aiming for a couple of thousand a year at most. So well within the VAT limits ect...

Thanks for any help!


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