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Registered since : 15 November 2010

Forum : General Forum
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Views: 1773

Posted reply 4 June 2011 12:38

Lupita, post: 17498 a écrit : Have to be frank; none of them really grab me, or clearly convey - instantly - what you do.

Also bear in mind that research has shown that certain indicators of a family-run business ('& Sons) can have a positive impact, in terms of giving newcomers to your business confidence to engage you. So don't overlook the husband and wife aspect but perhaps 'R&D' is not the way to go about it.

What about a blend of each of your names, or bits of your names? Some business advisors say the best names are the made up ones -e.g Accenture, which could also come about from fusing your names. The other reason to discount 'R&D' is that it smacks immediately of 'Research and Development,' which is not what your business is going to be about.

So all that said, some ideas:
Raphic Foto & Design
Desigrafic Duo/Images

Good luck!
Thank you, Lupita.
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1773

Posted reply 31 May 2011 07:51


What do you think is better name for our company?
I'm a graphic designer (my name starts from R) and my husband, he is a photographer (his name from D). We would like to start like our little business :)...
So the names at the moment are:

Creative Set
Arty RD
RD Style


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