I have been freelancing for 1 1/2 years, I am with various recruitment agents in London. I have also a few clients who pay direct to my umbrella company. Some of the clients pay on a monthly basis (when they do there payroll), the recruitment agents pay weekly basis. Throughout the month I could do 3 weeks with a client and a week with a recruitment agent.
I submit weekly time sheets via my umbrella company and they forward on the invoices to the client and recruitment agent. My client will only pay after a month (work payroll) so all the weekly invoices he receives are processed as a whole and then sent to my umbrella company, who will then tax the whole amount rather than process each invoice. This then effects the Tax as its deemed a weekly wage.
My question is, what is the best way to work in this setup. I have, recruitment agents and personal clients. I am willing to change to an accountant if this is he best solution.
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