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Registered since : 3 November 2011

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
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Views: 4005

Posted reply 7 November 2011 11:54

Brilliant, thanks for the info, that makes sense.
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
Like  : 0
Views: 4005

Posted reply 3 November 2011 22:10


I've recently started independant consulting. One of the first jobs is some consultancy work for a company in the US. All the work has been via e-mail / phone and is advice on data integration. I'm about to invoice the company.
My understanding is that this work is UK VAT free as the service / goods are in effect for export.
However will I need to pay any tax in the US. The amount is for several thousand pounds, the state is NY in the US.

Does anyone have any experience of this.



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