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Registered since : 31 January 2014

Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1477

Posted reply 10 February 2014 05:40


Well you can post a reply to a story, you can follow them on Twitter and send a message there, you can sign up with your email address, so you'll get an email from them. Or you can connect with them on Google+ or Facebook direct from the site.

They're not exactly hiding, that's for sure! :)
Mwharf, post: 23254 a écrit : Hi all,

new to the forum and freelance online life in general. Seems to be a big community of freelancers on multiple sites which is good to see. I was wondering if anybody else is a follower of the freelancesacks blog? If so then could you tell me how to get in direct contact with the writer please?


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