1. Choose something specialise in. Don’t generalise thinking it opens more opportunities. All it does is dilute your portfolio, your expertise and drops your conversion rates.
2. Take the time to find clients specifically looking for your chosen specialisation
3. Diligently build social proof from all of your completed jobs. Get testimonials social shares on social media et cetera.
4. Study copywriting and proposal writing as a separate skill set. It should be a VERY sharp tool in your box of freelancer abilities.
5. Set up a simple WordPress.com (or similar) so you seem more legit. Use it to display testimonials, portfolio etc.
6. Study what part of your trade produces results of your clients. Sell your services to your clients based on the results (I.E sales or savings) it will produce for them.
7. If you’re new, focus on building your online presence over making money. Take on Jobs for less than you’d like then go the extra mile to do them to a super high standard. The testimonial will repay the effort many times over.
8. Learn how to speak to clients in terms of their sales, their goals and their results.
I'll expand on this checklist on a post sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Good luck. Let me know if I can help.
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