Can I please just check something? So what you are saying when your contract comes up for renewal they want to lower your rate? But not change the two higher people?
I think that this is legal as it's contract work. You agree a price and then do the work? So if they offer you a lower rate it's down to you if you want to take it or not. As long as it's above the legal page rate. As each persons contract is there own business?
My two pence worth would be always go for the full time job option as it gives you a monthly income and keeps the wolf from the door! while you build up your freelance work. Nothing is going to happen over night and if you don't like it or it does not work then you have your full job to fall back on.
I am sure you could. But people more look to get advice from forums rather than buying some products (unless they ask) get a portfolio website and then add a link to the bottom of your posts.
Help people with questions and advice and become a authority in your chosen niche and then people will come to you as you will be seen to know what you are talking about.
Well there is not much more I can say to that. Just two ideas.
- A idea is that you can create turnkey websites and sell them on sites like "Flippa"
- Create a profile on PeoplePerHour, Fivver ect... and start selling your services.
I am sorry to hear that you are having troubles finding a area to move into. But no one is going to tell you what do to. If they are doing and making money from it they don't want more people in the same industry competing with them,
If you like graphic design and you have a creative flare then go onto some like "Fiver" start designing and then but up a client base and also some $$ you might not be much money but at least its a start?
1. Get yourself a portfolio + references (But make sure that you are not going to effect your current business.
2. You build a good client base of freelance clients.
3. Make sure you have enough money to cover the quieter periods.
4. Make a plan with your goals.
5. I make sure that you have a dedicated work space free from distracts.
6. Set working hours so that your friends and family are aware and don't bother you!
7. Make sure you have a accountant or good with books. As you will need to deal with tax returns.
I know that this might not be in the right order but its just some ideas off the cuff.
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FrenchPress, post: 25387, member: 29729 a écrit : Agreed with LiberatedLancer in that you should be taking advantage of other social media platforms and not just Twitter, and invest in social media marketing. And taking only courses is always a good way to go.
I would also suggest that you focus on your own branding and business development (how you want to present yourself and sell your services). Have a well thought out marketing strategy and implement it.
You should also optimize your business website so that it shows up higher in the search results, which in turn helps you to gain more traffic to your site. How have you presented your content on your site? Have you optimized it with keywords? A good keyword research is not easy. Do NOT keyword stuff; that will get you penalized fast. I would first suggest that you use something like Semrush to check out the stats of your own site and how you are ranking and for which keywords you are currently ranking for. Then see what your competition is ranking for. Once you have an overview of this, you can have a better idea of which keywords you want to avoid and which might be useful for you. Then you re-write your content to naturally include these keywords. The key here is naturally. Your content should still first and foremost present your business in an informative and engaging way and present the professional brand that you are going for. Keywords are just a small helper, but shouldn't become the dominant focus of your content. You will need a tool to find these keywords. Like most of the world I use Google Adwords, but there are some others as well that are just as useful. That article not only lists tools, but also gives helpful advice and tips on keyword research in general. I found it pretty helpful. I would suggest that you read up on content optimization in general and educate yourself about it before trying to dive in and tackle it. There are a lot of great articles and tutorials out there with the information that you need.
I would also suggest that you build up backlinks. Always include a link to your website in your social media posts. Also, if you make industry connections, you can help each other out to mention each other and post a link to their website - whether this is in a LinkedIn post or as guest posts on their company blog. You do it for them and have them do it for you. It not only helps you to become established within the industry that you are trying to succeed in, and help you gain very useful professional connections, but backlinks ensure that their following (on social media or their blog) also hear from you. You now then have a larger reach of potential followers at your finger tips. Plus any legitimate links back to your site also help your SERP ranking. DO NOT BUY THESE! Buying backlinks may seem like the easy and quick way, but it will end up penalizing you. Easy and quick has almost never amounted to successful. Don't don't do it quickly, do it right!
All of this takes quite a lot of time and effort, but it's your business that we're talking about. A successful business takes time and effort.
Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
How do I follow that post nice work [USER=29729]@FrenchPress[/USER] again. I would follow that process.
Great ideas like [USER=29729]@FrenchPress[/USER] mentioned why not offer your services for your friends and family first and then add it to your profile. Another way to get work and also reviews is to go on websites like +
I know that you might not make much money (but you could) will get your name out there including some review of your work and you can start from there.
But keep working on your wordpress site. Make sure that you add your best work, contact details and also reviews.
I think that everyone has covered everything I would say and worded it better.
But I think design is something that if you are very creative and can create some great looking designs then it might not matter (to a degree) in what program you use. But if you can not design or create something from a very brief from a client maybe even just one line the you are stuck.
That is the trick, but good luck with it.
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