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Registered since : 10 September 2016

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Posted reply 10 September 2016 15:31

Hey Sally,
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on your debate with my first post! but well done for using GIMP, I use that brilliant piece of software on my little chromebook running Linux and I'm in the process of setting up a web design business and I'm learning from research that personality (over ability) brings greater success, greater awards, or brilliant marketing.

I'm not sure if the same applies to graphic design as a company can't get away with using a crap logo, but in the web design field I've spent the last hour looking at freelancers who have a stack of clients, charging around 2 grand (up wards) for very very basic looking websites designed using wordpress and they have somehow managed to put people under a spell and convince them they have amazing skills by dropping an image in a page and using a simple colour scheme!

This is why after I compare my work to professional agencies (my work stacks up) so I have the talent to succeed, yet if I just create a website and wait for people to contact me, its all down to luck, hope, and I guess the same would apply to graphic design, as I'm sure there are many talented designers out there who make little money.

My plan is to put together the final touches on my website, mock up designs and speak to people in person, knock on doors and speak to local businesses as I know my work is excellent.

So if you know the quality of your work is excellent, then speak to local businesses and meet them face to face as these days its all about how you market yourself, as otherwise you will just get lost online, while people with less talent are making a small fortune because they know how to market themselves and find clients.

Anyway, from one gimp to another lol good luck with your business!

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