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Registered since : 1 February 2024

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 5
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Views: 728

Posted reply 1 February 2024 15:12


First, let's look at what steps you can take to start your freelancing career, especially if you don't have specific skills yet.

Research the market: Explore different freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr and others. Find out what services are in demand and what skills are valued.

Study: Choose an area that interests you and start learning. There are many online courses and resources where you can learn new skills, from web development and design to copywriting and marketing.

Creating a Portfolio: Even if you have no work experience, you can still create a portfolio that showcases your skills. These could be school projects, projects for friends or acquaintances, or even projects completed as part of online courses.

Promotion of your services: Create a profile on freelancing platforms, fill it with information about yourself and your services. Use social networks and professional communities to spread information about your activities.

Planning and Task Management: To manage your time and tasks effectively, I would recommend using todo list app, such as MyLifeOrganized (MLO). With it, you can create structured task lists, set priorities and monitor progress.

Don't forget that starting out as a freelancer can be a challenge, but with persistence and a strategic approach, you can succeed. Good luck!

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