
Late payments - what do you do?

Miss Bee

Miss Bee

Messages count : 14
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Registration : 6 December 2007
Contact in PM
I started freelancing a few months ago. One of my first clients currently has an overdue payment and I'm not sure how to handle it. I'm sorry that this is a bit long-winded, but I want to give the background!

The client is a large company, which retained me to rewrite a number of pages on its website.

The work that it asked me to do has been sent to me in bits and pieces, which I've promptly completed and returned. Its slow action means that something that should have taken a few weeks has turned into several months.

The company signed a contract, which included a clause specifying my payment terms, including an overdue payment charge.

The contract included paying half of the agreed initial cost at the beginning of the project. I've also completed another small project for the firm outside of the initial brief, for which we agreed a price.

I've therefore invoiced the company for both items, of which both are now overdue.

I sent a polite email with my last piece of work, asking my contact to kindly check-up on the payment date for the first invoice as it was now overdue. She said she'd look into it. Nothing.

I sent another polite email last week (things happen, problems come up, maybe she was busy...), asking if she'd been able to find out because both invoices were now overdue. No response whatsoever now.

I'm going to call her today to ask, again, whether she's been able to find out. Any more emails and I'm afraid the tone might be misinterpreted.

My question (at last!) is, do I hit the firm with the late payment charge? I've only completed half the work (because that's all that's been sent to me) and I appreciate being given the work because I'm starting out. I don't want to get my contact 'off-side'.

However, I'm not a charity and I'm not doing this as a favour for them!

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