What do you do when work's slow?
Hi everyone,
I'm having a quiet week at the moment, waiting for some work to come through on a project, and wondered how you keep yourselves amused when things are a bit slow? Apart from the essential things like marketing, doing your accounts, etc......
Diversification is the way forward (so I'm told) so seem to spend some of my time daydreaming about other ways to make money! Do you combine your freelancing with another 'job', perhaps something totally different?
Or do you have a fall-back way to make some money, which isn't as interesting but pays the bills (assessing media cuttings or something)?
I'm half curious, half looking for ideas!
Helen (off to research part-time extreme sports guiding or pet grooming....!)
I'm having a quiet week at the moment, waiting for some work to come through on a project, and wondered how you keep yourselves amused when things are a bit slow? Apart from the essential things like marketing, doing your accounts, etc......
Diversification is the way forward (so I'm told) so seem to spend some of my time daydreaming about other ways to make money! Do you combine your freelancing with another 'job', perhaps something totally different?
Or do you have a fall-back way to make some money, which isn't as interesting but pays the bills (assessing media cuttings or something)?
I'm half curious, half looking for ideas!
Helen (off to research part-time extreme sports guiding or pet grooming....!)
Concise Content -
- Contact in PM
Messages count : 2Likes count : 0Registration : 12 May 2008Hmmm.... I hate being out of work, but the other alternative is having too much so you don't ever have a quiet day, both are no fun.
When I do have little else to do, I work on my personal website, try and go through as many tutorials on new subjects and skills as possible and also start eating to ease my depressive boredom.... :embarassed - Contact in PM
Messages count : 5Likes count : 0Registration : 13 May 2008Networking... you can never do enough of it
[Post deleted as user no longer freelancing] - Contact in PM
Messages count : 1Likes count : 0Registration : 31 March 2008well when work is slow at were i work at i just continue to finish out that why cause i am busy at all time of the day - Contact in PM
Messages count : 120Likes count : 0Registration : 30 October 2006
Eh?JobMatchNow, post: 6532 a écrit : well when work is slow at were i work at i just continue to finish out that why cause i am busy at all time of the day
I wish work was slow. Just for one day. Please. - Contact in PM
glebe digital
Messages count : 105Likes count : 2Registration : 21 December 2006What's a day off?!?
Not sure I can remember, but I think I need one. :confused2CGI Specialist - Contact in PM
Messages count : 12Likes count : 0Registration : 2 May 2008It's very rare, but if I ever get any spare time I convert that into creating new work.
I haven't watched TV for about 2 years! - Contact in PM
Miss Bee
Messages count : 14Likes count : 0Registration : 6 December 2007
I'd offer you some help but wouldn't know where to start! Beyond my skill set 🙂glebe digital, post: 6545 a écrit : What's a day off?!?
Not sure I can remember, but I think I need one. :confused2Concise Content - - Contact in PM
Miss Bee
Messages count : 14Likes count : 0Registration : 6 December 2007
Yes, this keeps me occupied too. Especially when I begin to wander off on a tangent because I've seen an interesting article, then another and another.....!ManchesterCopywriter, post: 6520 a écrit : I find networking very time-consuming and it often doesn't lead to any work, so I wish I didn't have to do it. But if your day is empty, you might as well be searching the web for companies who might employ your skills and speculatively contacting them.Concise Content - - Contact in PM
Miss Bee
Messages count : 14Likes count : 0Registration : 6 December 2007
True - on this occasion, I just have a client that is very S-L-O-W at sending the work through. It makes it a bit hard to plan my time for other work because I can't get a new deadline from them (the original contracted deadline was three weeks ago) and I'm expecting the bulk of it to suddenly appear at once. C'est la vie.nogare, post: 6502 a écrit : Hmmm.... I hate being out of work, but the other alternative is having too much so you don't ever have a quiet day, both are no fun.
When I do have little else to do, I work on my personal website, try and go through as many tutorials on new subjects and skills as possible and also start eating to ease my depressive boredom.... :embarassedConcise Content - - Contact in PM
Messages count : 9Likes count : 0Registration : 7 March 2008I think you're all jammy buggers
I should be so lucky. Despite networking my little heart out I'm finding it nigh on impossible get a large enough client base to stay afloat. Loads of compliments but everyone's saying they're cutting back on freelancers. You can't live on praise alone.
So any of you guys want to sub contract some work my way, I'm not too proud!!!
I'm not bitter really, just wish I was in your shoes. 🙂 - Contact in PM
Messages count : 1Likes count : 0Registration : 28 April 2008Me to
I've been in the business for 25 years and the last 2-3 years have been the worst on record!
It seems companies are more in-tune with the internet and are downloading templated graphics and library illustrations & photographs for a fraction of the cost.
Also email marketing is taking a big chunk out of the traditional printed document. Good for the trees, but not so good for our business!
Oh well, chin up Alison - something will happen soon
Ray - Contact in PM
Messages count : 87Likes count : 3Registration : 4 February 2008Catch up on admin, do some of the favours and self-promotion work that I've been putting to the bottom of the pile, remind clients and contacts where I am and enquire if they have anything in the pipeline that they want me to look at. Start cold-calling (about the last thing on my list of 'likes'!), brush up on tutorials or simply get some rest ahead of the next wave of work. Oh, and finally get around to getting my website online!Opus Creative Design Ltd - Contact in PM
Messages count : 9Likes count : 0Registration : 7 March 2008Haven't replied as I've been working :-)
Something came up, probably the dullest job ever but it's work.
So I can go out and by myself another punnet of sour grapes 😉 - Contact in PM
glebe digital
Messages count : 105Likes count : 2Registration : 21 December 2006
Work is work!.....don't knock it........:bye good luck on your gig. 😃Pingsweetie, post: 6682 a écrit : Something came up, probably the dullest job ever but it's work.
So I can go out and by myself another punnet of sour grapes ;-)CGI Specialist