
What do you do when work's slow?

Miss Bee

Miss Bee

Messages count : 14
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Registration : 6 December 2007
Contact in PM
Hi everyone,

I'm having a quiet week at the moment, waiting for some work to come through on a project, and wondered how you keep yourselves amused when things are a bit slow? Apart from the essential things like marketing, doing your accounts, etc......

Diversification is the way forward (so I'm told) so seem to spend some of my time daydreaming about other ways to make money! Do you combine your freelancing with another 'job', perhaps something totally different?

Or do you have a fall-back way to make some money, which isn't as interesting but pays the bills (assessing media cuttings or something)?

I'm half curious, half looking for ideas!

Helen (off to research part-time extreme sports guiding or pet grooming....!)
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