General terms and conditions of use of the website

Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully before browsing the site and using the services available to users available to users via the site.

1. Purpose - Services

1.1 The present general terms and conditions of use (the GTC) govern the use and operation of the website (the Site).

1.2 The Site is published by FREE-WORK/AGSI SAS, whose registered office is located at 5 rue de Bailly Bailly, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, with a share capital of €50,000, registered with the RCS Paris under number 450 955 893. The Site is hosted by AWS Amazon Web Services, Inc | EU Region (Paris), 67 Boulevard du Général Leclerc, 92110 Clichy, France. The publication director is Olivier Olivier Martin.

1.3 Any use of the services accessible on the Site implies acceptance without restriction or reservation of these TOS. In the event of disagreement with all or part of the GTCU, use of the Site and Services is not authorised. The GTU can be viewed at They may also be sent to the User on request, by e-mail to the address users[at] Acceptance of the GTUs must be accepted by the User prior to any use of the Site, by ticking the box provided for this purpose.

1.4 Access to the various services described in paragraph 1.5 is reserved for any natural person Subscribe to DeepL Pro to edit this document. Visit for more information. registered on the Site as a User, seeking salaried employment or freelance assignments in the IT professions, hereinafter the Applicants.

1.5 Free-Work/AGSI SAS, offers a service that puts recruiters registered on the Technojobs website registered on the Technojobs website, also published by Free-Work/AGSI SAS, with IT talents in the IT sector.

More specifically, on the Site, Free-Work/AGSI SAS offers Candidates access to and use of the services described below (the Services):

  • a) The CV and information provided by Candidates when they register (collectively the Information), are integrated into the CV library of the Technojobs site.
  • b) This CV library can be consulted by clients of the Technojobs site, which consists of IT professionals who are looking for employees or freelance (the recruiters).
  • c) Users have access to the database of job offers and/or freelance assignments posted by the Recruiters on the Technojobs site. Candidates can submit their application with Recruiters and/or respond to a job offer or assignment from Recruiters, using an interface developed by Free-Work/AGSI SAS.
  • d) Users who have opened an account on the Site have access to registration to the discussion forum, under the terms of paragraph 4.1,
  • e) Users who have opened an account on the Site have access to the blog also published by Free-Work/AGSI SAS, under the terms of paragraph 4.2.

1.6 Free-Work/AGSI SAS reserves the right to update these TOS at any time and to make changes to the to make changes to the Site and the Services, in particular in the event of regulatory or technical changes. Free-Work/AGSI SAS will inform the User the User, who will be able to agree to the GTUs and/or the Services modified in this way. Failing this, the TOS applicable to the use of Services Services by the User will remain those in force on the date of the User's registration on the Site.

2. Conditions of use of the Site and access to the Services

2.1 Use of the Site is free of charge for the User, excluding any connection costs, which billed directly to the User by their operator.

Registration for the Site and its Services is carried out in two stages:

  • a) create an account :

    The User creates his or her account in accordance with the procedures set out on the They will be asked to provide the following personal information: email address after verification of the email address - Last name - First name.

    The User is then asked to accept these TOS. The User will define his login and password, to enable him to access his account. access to their account.

    The User undertakes to keep his/her login details (email address) and password confidential. strictly confidential and personal passwords and shall refrain from disclose to any person whatsoever, the use of the Site and access to the Services are strictly personal. They will be asked to change your password periodically.

    The User must immediately notify Free-Work/ AGSI SAS in the event of loss or theft of your login and password.

  • b) deposit of CV and Information:.

    Users wishing to use the Services as Candidates must submit their CV and Information on the Site, via their account.

    Candidates guarantee that the Information they submit to the Site are accurate and complete, and it undertakes to keep them up to date via its account. It also guarantees that it has the full capacity to provide said Information, which must not contain information that is likely to mislead third parties or that could infringe their rights.

    The Candidate guarantees Free-Work/AGSI SAS against any recourse by third parties to in this respect. The Candidate may be asked to provide proof of to support his statements.

2.2 The User agrees to to use the Site in accordance with its intended purpose and not to harm or interfere with the use of the Site. attempt to interfere with the proper operation of the Site.

2.3 The User is well aware and accepts :

  • (a) that it is solely responsible for the Information it issues and provides on the Site, as well as any content posted on the Site, including its contributions to the forum (collectively the Content), as well as any consequences related to their disclosure on the Site,
  • (b) that it uses the Site at its own risk. In particular, they agree that The User is well aware of the limits of the Internet and of the fact that, despite all the security measures taken by Free-Work/AGSI SAS to access to the Site, Free-Work/AGSI SAS cannot guarantee any security no fraudulent intrusion into the Site or the system information, misappropriation or extraction, unauthorised alterations, contamination by computer viruses, or leakage of programs or data, including, but not limited to Information, identifiers, passwords. It is the User's responsibility to Free-Work/AGSI SAS declines to make any back-up of this data. any liability in the event of any of the above events occurring that is not the direct consequence of a fault on the part of the company. part. In any event, Free-Work/AGSI SAS may not be held liable for responsible for any interruption and/or malfunction of the Site and/or Services, for whatever reason,
  • (c) that Free-Work/AGSI SAS is in no way a party to any eventual exchanges and contractual relations between a Candidate and Recruiters and that it shall not incur any liability in connection therewith,
  • (d) that by registering on the Site as a Candidate they accept that their CV and any Information it may provide via the Site can be added to the CV database and shared with anyone else with access to the Technojobs site, in particular with Recruiters.

2.4 Free-Work/AGSI SAS ensures that Recruiters registered on the Technojobs site are serious companies and endeavours to obtain every guarantee in this respect when they register on the Technojobs, Free-Work/AGSI SAS website declares and the User acknowledges that Free-Work/AGSI SAS cannot be held responsible for the use that Recruiters make of the Site. information or the manner in which they store or use it. transfer the Information that Users entrust to the Site.

2.5 The User assigns by to Free-Work/AGSI SAS on the Information communicated by on the Site, in particular for inclusion in the CV library, for the purposes of free of charge and for the whole world, the right to reproduce communication, use, downloading, on all media under the conditions and for the duration described herein and for the purposes set out herein.

Unless there are public policy provisions to the contrary, the User waives any and all claims against Free-Work/AGSI SAS, publisher of the website for infringement of rights to image, reputation, personal data, privacy, etc. for any disclosure of Content made in accordance with the provisions of the present.

2.6In the event of non-compliance of these GCU, particularly in the event of false information or misrepresentation. failure to comply with the obligations described herein or with regulations applicable, access to the Services may be suspended, and Free-Work/AGSI SAS may terminate, in whole or in part, access to the Site, access to the Services and to remove any Information, including the CV, from the CV Library, without notice and without prejudice or indemnity any damages to which Free-Work/AGSI SAS may be entitled.

3. Protection of personal data

The collection and processing of personal data communicated by the User via the Site (the Data) meet the legal requirements in with regard to the protection of personal data, and in particular the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data, Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended by Act no. 78-17 of 20 June 2018. 2018-493 and Ordinance no. 2018-1125 of 12 December 2018 (the Regulations).

In application of the Regulations, it is specified that the data to The personal data requested from and supplied by the User are essential to the performance of the Services to which it has subscribed.

The User consents to the transmission of his/her Information and Content and in particular its personal data to Recruiters, as well as to the Free-Work/AGSI SAS partners involved in providing the Services.

The rules for protecting the personal data of Users are set out in the company's data protection policy. Site, which forms an integral part of these GCU and which can be consulted at on : . Please refer to them before registering on the Site.

Users may update, modify or delete their CVs at any time or your account by logging in again with your login details. In accordance with The User has a right of access and modification, of rectification, opposition, portability and limitation of the processing of information concerning him/her. For any request and to To exercise these rights, Users may contact : rgpd[at]

4. Discussion areas - forum - blog

4.1 The User has access to the discussion area available on the Site (the Forum). After confirming your address email address, when connecting for the first time the User will be asked to reiterate its agreement to the following conditions:

  • a) By registering on the Site, the User has access to the Forum, is aware and accepts that failing to have chosen a pseudonym when registering, a random default pseudonym can be used to identify the user. accessible to other Users also registered on the Forum and with where they can exchange private messages,
  • b) The User grants the Site, for all discussions, information and contributions (the Contributions) that he posts on the Forum to make them accessible to other Users, a right non-exclusive and free right of use allowing the Site to reproduce, publish and distribute these Contributions on the Site in connection with the provision of the Services, throughout the world, for a period of indefinitely and by any means of electronic communication.
  • c) The User is only responsible for his Contributions. and their compliance with the law, the conditions set out herein and the rights of third parties and gives Free-Work/AGSI SAS every guarantee in this respect. regard. It is the User's responsibility to save his or her Contributions if it so wishes, as the Site is under no obligation to do so. and no commitment in this respect.
  • d) In particular, it is forbidden to post Contributions on the Forum a) illegal, directly or indirectly defamatory, discriminatory, offensive or insulting, containing remarks abusive, rude, obscene, threatening, or criminal, b) including personal data of third parties, c) spam, undesirable contributions, d) commercial or advertising contributions or links to other sites, including job offers or requests for job offers or requests for mission, only the opening of an account Recruiters on the Turnover-IT website on allowing.

A moderator ensures that participants respect these constraints. Free-Work/AGSI SAS reserves the right to delete any Contribution that does not comply with the Terms and Conditions of Use, particularly in the event of a report.

4.2 Free-Work/AGSI SAS also publishes a blog, which can be consulted on for Users who have validated its general conditions of use. The blog is the property of Free-Work/AGSI SAS AGSI, as well as editorial content issued by Free-Work/AGSI SAS is not responsible for any other content. Free-Work/AGSI SAS.

5. Guarantees and exclusions

5.1 Unless otherwise stated expressly stated otherwise in these GCU, the Site and the Services are made available to the User as is, and the User is indeed and agrees to use them at its own risk and under its own responsibility. sole responsibility. Under no circumstances does Free-Work/AGSI SAS guarantee that the Site and Services will meet the User's expectations

5.2 Free-Work/AGSI SAS ne does not guarantee that the Site will function without interruption, bugs or errors. Free-Work/AGSI SAS also does not guarantee the results of the Services or the performance of the Services. that the Candidate will receive contact requests or job offers or employment from potential Recruiters, nor that the interviews will be successful. Please note that Free-Work/AGSI SAS is not involved in any exchanges. between Users and Recruiters and gives no guarantee to the User or assumes any liability towards the User in this respect. Any use of the Candidate's Content and Information by the Recruiters will take place in the context of a direct relationship between the Candidate and said Recruiters and Free-Work/AGSI SAS does not take any We make no commitment and give no guarantee in this respect.

6. Intellectual property

6.1 The Site, the blog, all elements of the Site, such as software, APIs, text and images, videos, page layout, graphic charter, logo, domain names, and the trademarks, logos and service marks which appear on this Site are the property of property of Free-Work/AGSI SAS or its partners and protected by copyright. intellectual property rights.

6.2 Free-Work/AGSI SAS hereby grants to the User, for its sole needs use in the context of and for the purposes of using the Services for on a strictly personal basis, a non-exclusive right, personal and non-transferable right to display the Site on a computer screen for the sole purpose of browsing the Site and using the Services within the respect of these GCU, for the duration of the Services and for the territories in which the Site is accessible.

6.3 Any reproduction, distribution, representation, combination or modification, adaptation, correction, translation into any language, in whole or in part, of an any part of the Site or Services is prohibited.

The User is also forbidden to use the Site or any of its content in any way whatsoever. any of its components a business or professional operation directly or indirectly, alone or with third parties, on a commercial basis. whether in return for payment or free of charge. The User acknowledges that Free-Work/AGSI SAS has on the CV library of copyright and sui generis rights as a database producer.

The User acknowledges that he/she may not oppose the performance by Free-Work/AGSI SAS of the actions necessary to access the Information in order to needs and within the limits of the use of the CVthèque, such as described herein.

The User acknowledges that he/she is also prohibited from extracting any a substantial part (in quantity or quality) of the database property of Free-Work/AGSI SAS and to fix it by any means on a other medium, to make commercial or other use of it, the distribute, share and reproduce it.

Any breach by the User of the provisions of the present would constitute an infringement liable to prosecution.

7. Anti-discrimination measures

Free-Work/AGSI SAS ensures compliance with the recommendations laid down by the and the Défenseur des Droits. Job offers published through our Under no circumstances should interfaces be discriminatory on the basis of criteria such as age, gender, religion, disability, etc. Free-Work/AGSI SAS invites recruiters to be vigilant when drafting their application(s). offer(s). Bids deemed non-compliant by the Site moderators will not be accepted. will not be published or withdrawn without notice.

Free-Work/AGSI SAS is at the User's disposal to answer all questions relating to the services available on the Site and editorial content. Your questions should be sent to our contact form : click here.

8 - Liability

8.1 The responsibility of Free-Work/AGSI SAS may only be held liable for acts of which the User can prove that they are directly linked to him. which are attributable to the User and which cause the User direct harm, and certain, to the exclusion of any indirect and/or consequential loss. consequential or non-consequential, foreseeable or unforeseeable, that Free Work/AGSI SAS may or may not have been informed of the possibility of their occurrence. In particular, indirect damage includes loss of loss of chance, loss of salary, loss of income, loss of contract, damages image or commercial damage, damage, theft or loss of data, or any loss resulting from Internet failure or interruption beyond the control of Free-Work/AGSI SAS, such as the unavailability of any the Site or the Services, unauthorised access to the Services by a third party, unauthorised extraction, damage, loss or theft of data, failures affecting the Services or the Site and their failure to correction.

8.2The User is alone responsible for the User Information and Content it communicates via the Site, as well as the security of its IT equipment and the use of the data backup.

8.3 If the responsibility of Free-Work/AGSI SAS is being sought on grounds relating to Information or to the use of the Site by the User, the User undertakes to guarantee Free-Work/AGSI SAS shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever, compensation and expenses incurred as a result of such legal proceedings and Free-Work/AGSI SAS declines all responsibility with regard to of such Information and Content, whether in terms of lawfulness or not, accuracy or otherwise.

8.4 Generally speaking, the Free-Work/AGSI SAS shall not be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the damage caused by an event of force majeure, as for any act of God. the User or a third party.

9. Duration - Termination

Registration for the Services is valid for an indefinite period, from From the date of creation of the User's account. Each party may terminate use of the Site at any time

In accordance with the regulations and the privacy policy of the data from Free-Work/AGSI SAS :

  • a) If the User requests the deletion of his/her personal data personal data will be deleted within thirty (30) days. from the date of receipt by Free-Work/AGSI SAS of the request for the User, accompanied by proof of identity. In a In such a case, Free-Work/AGSI SAS will not be able to continue to perform the Any services subscribed to.
  • b) The User's Information will be kept by Free-Work/AGSI SAS throughout the period of activity of the the User in order to meet the purposes for which they are used. will have been collected, and for a further period of one (1) or two (2) year(s), as the case may be, as more precisely indicated in the Free-work/AGSI SAS data protection policy available at, for legitimate interests, for the purposes of safeguarding and combating against fraud and as evidence of the fairness and accuracy of the transparent processing of User Information, Free Work/AGSI SAS undertakes to take all technical and financial organisational structures designed to guarantee the integrity and security of this data.
  • c) At the end of this period, the User Information will be stored in an interim archive in accordance with the law and the limitation periods, in order to enable Free-Work/AGSI SAS to defend its interests in the event of a dispute. They will then destroyed or anonymised, as more precisely indicated in the data protection policy of Free-work/AGSI SAS mentioned above above.

10. Assignment-Subcontracting-Migration

The User authorises Free-Work/AGSI SAS to subcontract all or part of its obligations to a third party of its choice. Similarly, Free- Work/AGSI SAS may freely assign or transfer to any third party all or part of the rights and obligations arising from these GCU.

The User authorises Free-Work/AGSI SAS to carry out any migration and purely technical services on another site. environment of which it is the publisher, by simple notification to the User.

11. Third-party links

The Site may contain links to other websites published by third parties. The User acknowledges that Free-Work/AGSI SAS does not from any liability towards these third parties, including their availability and the documents contained therein.

12. Divisibility

The provisions of the GCU are autonomous, if any provision becomes inapplicable or illegal, it will be modified only in the event of to the extent necessary to ensure that the GCU remain in force. The inapplicability or invalidity of any provision shall not affect any any other provision of the GCU, which shall remain in force.

13. Completeness

The GCU constitute the entire agreement between Free-Work/AGSI SAS and the Users, they cancel and replace any written or oral agreement, dealing with the same content, concluded previously or simultaneously.

14. Dispute resolution - Applicable law

These GTUs are governed by French law.

Any dispute concerning relations between Users and Recruiters will be directly between them. Only the French version of these The GTCU is authoritative.

In the event of a dispute between the Parties as to the interpretation or the performance of this Agreement, the Parties agree to meet within a period of FIFTEEN (15) days from receipt of a letter from the company. with acknowledgement of receipt, notified by one of the two parties. Parties, or by e-mail, to try to find an amicable solution. to the dispute.

If, after a further period of FIFTEEN (15) days, the Parties have not were unable to agree on a compromise or a solution, the dispute would then be submitted to a mediator appointed by the CMAP (Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris), at the joint request of the Parties or, failing agreement, at the request of the earliest Party, and in accordance with the CMAP's procedural rules. If you are unable to appoint a mediator or if mediation fails after a period of one (1) month, the Parties will resume their full liberty and the dispute will be submitted to to the ordinary courts.

In this case, the dispute would be referred to the courts. within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.

15. Update

The GCU may change, in which case Free-Work/AGSI SAS will take all necessary reasonable steps to inform you of any changes made, including by publishing the modified version on the Site. Any use of the Site and Services subsequent to the entry into force of modifications changes to the GCU implies acceptance of said changes.

16. Identification

Our contact information is as follows: is a of Free-Work/AGSI SAS, whose registered office is at 5 rue de Bailly, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine SAS with a share capital of €50,000, registered with the RCS of Paris under number 450 955 893

Email address: users[at]

Publication director: Olivier Martin

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