Benefits of taking time out as a freelancer

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As a freelancer, you have to be constantly be working in order to support yourself. Unlike an employee that has the security of a regular income, freelancers' income can be sporadic. Therefore, taking time out of work to relax can seem like a dream rather than reality. However, it is essential to take time outaway from work to recuperate. The benefits of taking breaks are huge and cannot be ignored. The key to being able to take time out as a freelancer is budgeting to ensure that your income covers you whilst you take a break.

Taking time doesn’t have to be a month out globetrotting, it can be simply clocking out a certain time of the day, or having the weekend completely off. If you struggle to take time out as a freelancer, here are the benefits ofit to make you change your mind about it.


When you get away you can get a fresh perspective. Taking time out can mean taking 20 minutes away from your work, to going for a walk and getting to breathe fresh air. It will have a positive effect on you both physically and mentally. It can also help you come up with fresh ideas and help you concentrate better on your work when you return.

If you decide to take a break and actually go on holiday, a new environment can definitely help you get inspired again. Constantly working and having the same routine with little time to wander can leave you uninspired, however, travel canhelp you get new ideas. Travelling is definitely recommended if you are in need of inspiration.


One of the main benefits of freelancing is the flexibility it allows, however not all freelancers take advantage of this. In fact, freelancers sometimes spend longer hours working because they don’t have an official clocking out time. This can take a toll on a person and can make you feel unenthusiastic and demotivated. If you take a couple of hours away, a weekend away or dare I say a week or two away, it can help transform your attitude.

Taking some time to relax will help you recuperate and be better at what you do. You may experience guilt for taking time out, however, it’s essential in order for you to look after your mental health and wellbeing as well as your business.

Avoid a burnout

Burnouts can be a real issue for the self-employed, freelancers and small business owners. The main cause ofburnouts is constantly working because the person feels like they have to. However, avoiding a burnout is paramount for your business as well as your personal life. Burnouts can be really damaging and they might even make you resent the work that you once loved to do. Therefore, taking time out is essential to avoid a burnout.


Over time you can feel your motivation and passion dwindling because you’re swamped with work that you must get done. It’s important that you take on work only when you can. Freelancers have the tendency to take on multiple projects because of the worry about missing out on work and extra income. As you progress in your freelancing career, you will learn to master your own skills andlearn your limits. However, ensuring that you are taking time out willhelp with motivating you and making sure that you are still passionate about what you do.

Improve relationships

Taking time out may meanthat you are giving up some work opportunities, however, unless they are life-changing opportunities you can probably afford to say no and take some for yourself. Having time away from work means that you can spend it with your loved ones. As a freelancer, you may be someone who overworks themselves and this can harm your relationships. Ensuring your personal relationships are in order is just as essential as building your career and running your business. If you are struggling with personal relationships, this will seep into your work and consequently effect it. So, why not take some time out to go and see a friend or spend some extra time with your family.

More on dealing with stress and managing your time.

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