IT and tech news and guides

an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

SEO Interview Questions

With an increasing number of companies realising the potential of online marketing the demand for marketers with SEO knowledge is also on the rise.Interviews for IT jobs including SEO jobs often include challenges far beyond the usual questions regarding career aspirations.
3 min
an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

Writing a Business Analyst CV

The idea of a CV is to display your work history and offer a hiring employer or recruiter an insight in to you as a person and a potential addition to their team.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

UNIX Interview Questions

Alongside career aspirations and personal questions, interviews for UNIX jobs are likely to throw technical challenges your way too.To help you prepare for these technical questions, here is a list of some frequently asked UNIX interview questions.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

PHP Interview Questions

Interviews for IT jobs including PHP jobs often include challenges far beyond the usual questions regarding career aspirations.IT interviews often consist of brainteasers, riddles and practical questions designed to measure your logic, reasoning, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

Oracle Interview Questions

When interviewing for Oracle Jobs it is important to be prepared to answer interview questions that challenge your technical knowledge.Here are some Oracle interview questions that you can use to help you prepare.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

How Social Media could affect your Job Prospects

You could have a well-written C.V that's laid out clearly, precise and full of experience with a cover letter that brilliantly emphasises why you would be an ideal candidate for the job role that you're interested in, but that might not be the only way for an employer to learn about the type of pers.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

7 Hot IT Skills for 2016

Keeping up with the ever changing trends and demands of new technology every year can be overwhelming to say the least.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

How to Write a Letter of Resignation

Even if you have an idea of how to write a letter of resignation, it's a good idea to make sure you leave with a mutual respect between you and your employer.Once you have made the decision to move on, it serves little purpose to criticise your employer or your job.
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hands typing on computer keyboard Contracting

Benefits of Becoming a Java Contractor

Java is a widely used programming language primarily designed for use with web development and programming for games and apps.Java is a very similar programme to the C++ in terms of its ‘look and feel’ but it is simpler to use than C++ and it enforces an object-orientated programming model.Java is p.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

Writing a Business Analyst Cover Letter

As for the majority of positions in the UK, the standard method of application for Business Analyst jobs is with a CV and covering letter.A cover letter is the ideal place for you to explain a little bit more about why you want the role you are applying for, why the company you’re applying to appeal.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

IT Jobs in Singapore

Singapore has always been a hotspot destination for expatriates looking for IT jobs but in recent years it’s popularity has significantly grown due to tax exemptions and flexible immigration policies put in place for foreign workers by the government.There are good employment opportunities in the fi.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

IT Graduate Interview Questions

As a Graduate, interviews are likely to take a slightly different form than they will at any other time as employers are likely to be aware that your experience levels are low, as so will be aiming to understand your character and potential.As a result the questions that you are likely to be asked i.
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an individual grasping a light bulb, representing bright idea IT Career Advice

IT Jobs in Australia

It has long been recognised that Australia is one of the world’s most desirable places to live and work and has seen a growth IT job opportunities in recent years.
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