Hey there, I am a student, however I have designed some illustrations using vector points in Illustrator. I designed 12 icons - and charged on how much time i spent on them. For example: 2.5 hrs per icon x 12 (total number of icons) = 30hrs. Then just multiply 30 (total hours) by your hourly rate.
Hope this helps,
lauraness, post: 298 a écrit : The job is to create a large number of rather simple vector shapes/illustrations, tracing from handdrawn or photocopied images with the paths tool in Illustrator.
We can come to a mutual agreement on payment and time scales (as this has a relatively loose timeframe so you could do it in your leisure time, ie a number of shapes done by a certain time.)
I've always worked for newspapers so I have no idea what I should charge for this type of job on the side.
Any ideas??? Do I charge per hour or per shape created? And how much??
Many thanks
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