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Registered since : 29 July 2007

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 2
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Views: 1315

Posted reply 29 July 2007 18:03

Hi guys

I am new to this.
My name is Simon and i am from Stoke on Trent. I currentley work for a fast food complany that with my ideas i increased their sales by 23% in the first year and then an additional 20% in the second, i did this through various techniques and with some pinpoint advertising. I managed to train my team to the effect that our product was better then the rest and we are a good company to work for.

After all this i have decided that i could try Freelance Marketing and spread my knowledge within other companys not just within the food industry but to try my skills in the big bad world.

As i have never done anything like this before i would appriciate any advice that anyone could give this includes how much should i charge for my services, as i have no idea! I am certain i will be a success and the phrase 'ice to eskimos' as never been far away from me.

All advice is appriciated and i will take it on board, i have my first client who is very interested to let me have a go at giving him a sales boost

Thanks in advance


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