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Registered since : 20 December 2007

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Views: 11658

Posted reply 12 September 2010 09:25

I'm trying to display a comment thread per design for my graphic design portfolio.

Below is the code i have at the minute, I hope someone out there can point me in the right direction. I'm relatively new to php so be nice with me. :confused2

I have 2 tables in my database, one containing all the image paths and description, another table for the comments.


$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "password", "database");

$get_info_sql = "SELECT id, thumb, full_size, description FROM graphic_design";
$get_info_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $get_info_sql) or die (mysqli_error($mysqli));

$get_comments_sql = "SELECT design_id, user_name, user_comment FROM comments WHERE design_id = '".$id."'";
$get_comments_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $get_comments_sql) or die (mysqli_error($mysqli));

if (mysql_get_num_rows($get_info_res) > 0) {
while ($image_info = mysqli_fetch_array($get_info_res) {
$id = $image_info['id'];
$thumb = $image_info['thumb'];
$full_size = $image_info['full_size'];
$description = $image_info['description'];

$display_block .= "<div><a href=\"".$full_size."\"><img src=\"".$thumb."\"/></a><p>".$description."</p>";
while ($comments = mysqli_fetch_array($get_comments_res) {
$design_id = $comments['design_id'];
$user_name = $comments['user_name'];
$user_comment = $comments['user_comment'];

$display_block .= "<p><b>".$user_name.":</b><br/>".$user_comment."</p></div>";


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Views: 1459

Posted reply 4 August 2010 14:01

Hi could somebody give me some info on how to transfer a website please as I have never had to do it before.

My client's current web host are phasing out their services and have asked me to transfer their host/domain to different companies.

The url of the site is a .co.uk domain, so I believe that to transfer the domain, i need to buy the same domain and alter the IPS TAG to direct to the new host? Have i got that right?

When i buy the domain will I need some sort of information from the current host to be able to alter it?

Also, is it possible to buy a domain from 'companyX' and the hosting from 'companyY'?

I am really not sure how to go about it, so any advice would be tip top.

Thank you

Topic : logo crit
Replies: 12
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Views: 6760

Posted reply 6 July 2010 18:13

I like the design, im guessing that the design is meant to resemble some sort of paw print, i like the idea of that.

To me the logo seems to have a lot of space, have you considered making the logo tighter? I'm no expert though, thats just my opinion. I do like the idea though. :happy

Topic : printing
Replies: 4
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Views: 2926

Posted reply 27 July 2009 13:38

Image Resolutions, post: 11984 a écrit : easy solution supply him with print ready files and let him go to his 'friend' again 🙂

If he says he can't do that then explain that he will not be able to get 'friend' rates and it will cost £x (whatever you can find it for)
ah yeh! simple that is.. thanks.
Topic : printing
Replies: 4
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Views: 2926

Posted reply 23 July 2009 13:08

Im after a folding menu, A4, 1 colour on one side and black&white on the other side. Just on ordinary paper, cant find anywhere that will print them for that price, but aparently my client says his last batch only cost him £75-£100 for 5,000. From a friend of his. Beut i doont have the equipment to print that many by myself.
Opus, post: 11972 a écrit : 5000 of what? Business cards, leaflets etc? Single colour or CMYK etc? ...
Topic : printing
Replies: 4
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Views: 2926

Posted reply 22 July 2009 16:52

is it possible to get 5,000 prints for £75 ?
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Views: 1237

Posted reply 9 January 2009 17:32

how retarded of me! sorry to waste your time

its $_SERVER and not $SERVER!!

cant believe this, im such a duggy! lol... maybe i should keep off the bottle!!
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Views: 1237

Posted reply 9 January 2009 17:30

Hi im new to php and having problems with a script i am writing.

i have this line of code


however when i run the script i am getting this error:

Notice: Undefined variable: SERVER in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\manage.php on line 7

i have tried setting the register_globals to On in php.ini and various other things but cant seem to get this to work, do i need to edit anything in the Apache Server settings, really getting me frustrated! :mad2
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Views: 4847

Posted reply 9 December 2008 20:08

yep, sorted, thanks a lot matey 😃
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Views: 4847

Posted reply 26 November 2008 16:08

Hi people! ive hit a problem!

I'm creatin a full flash website for my client!
I av a form on it that is workin... however when the form is submit, its send an email, but the email recieved looks like this below, in the inbox...


Below is my php script if anybody could put me in the right direction...

$sendTo = "neil-carpenter@hotmail.co.uk";
$subject = "New message";

$headers = "From: " . $_POST["name"];
$headers .= "<" . $_POST["email"] . ">\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path: " . $_POST["email"];
$message = $_POST["name"];
$message .= $_POST["message"];

mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
Forum : Time Out
Replies: 5
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Views: 4204

Posted reply 18 June 2008 12:36

yeh i agree! Much bigger and better! Got more 'ummph' to it!! Love it

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