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Registered since : 3 January 2008

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1534

Posted reply 13 November 2008 10:25

Thanks for the thoughts on this one. I think that you are right about e-mail, we all get so many e-mails now that there is the option that your marketing can be perceived as spam (even for existing customers). You are right also in that there will always be people and customers who prefer to hold the information in their hand.
Forum : General Forum
Replies: 3
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Views: 1534

Posted reply 27 October 2008 09:34

This is probably going to be a controversial one, but does anyone actually care? Obviously we know that we all should care, but do you? We wrote an article about reducing the environmental impact of direct mail and it had a really fantastic response. But, have people actually starting implementing strategies to reduce the environmental impact of their businesses actions? Or do we all just talk about doing it?
Forum : General Forum
Reply: 1
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Views: 1238

Posted reply 2 October 2008 07:20

Hi there,

We were wondering whether customer testimonials influence your decision to buy/use someones services?

Do you read (or believe!) customer testimonials on websites, and if so do they reassure you?

Our salesteam regularly collect testimonials and now we have literally hundreds. It would be useful to know if its worth putting more on our site.

All comments appreciated!

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