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Registered since : 6 April 2008

Replies: 3
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Views: 1817

Posted reply 8 April 2008 20:50

slimboyfatz33, post: 5877 a écrit : The company that wants to work with me , wants to keep hold of me , that is the impression i have gotten from speaking to them, is it possible to reference this in some way in a contract (ie. a minimum 12months contract) ??
From which side? you or them?

12 months is a long time. I would go down the route of 2 months grace period as this gives you time to find alternative work.

Also watch out for non-compete if its a dedicated company you working for they might not like you to work for a similar company.. i.e. marketing and promoting their website..
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Views: 1817

Posted reply 8 April 2008 14:36

Hello Slim,

You should write your own contract for them, and they should have one for you.

So you don't get stung!
Forum : General Forum
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Views: 1733

Posted reply 6 April 2008 11:47

Also if your using firefox get the cross browser plugin! How have you built it do you have a URL? Maybe i can help?
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Views: 1933

Posted reply 6 April 2008 11:46

I'm currently with heartinternet, I must admit I'm very impressed I'm on the reseller package not problems to report and I'm hosting about 37 websites!

Been with them now for nearly 3 months..

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