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Janine Forder

Messages count : 4

Registered since : 6 May 2008

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Posted reply 16 September 2009 15:02

The FSB offer it as part of your membership which is about £130 per year
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Posted reply 3 February 2009 16:44


I had this confusion when i started out.

**** CHECK OUT YOUR LOCAL INLAND REVENUE CENTRE THEY WILL HAVE A FREE COURSE ON "BECOMING SELF EMPLOYED". It covers all the basics you need and you can ask all the questions you need. Well worth it, also it's an introduction to your tax return.

In a nutshell if you always invoice your clients, you are a supplier and therefore fine to be self employed.

The inland revenue told me this themselves. So whatever you do, even if you work with other freelancers and pass work between you, always invoive for supply of services or contracted work.

There is an unwritten rule about making sure you dont spend more than 50% of your time with one client (as sometimes, and it's only if you get investigated, and if they decide to be picky) they will see it that you are therefore employed by that company, but nobody really knows how enforcable this is and how written in stone that is.
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Posted reply 3 February 2009 16:39

Call them. I am a telemarketer and the result from calling are much higher than mail shots. I also have a good contact at an email marketing company, you can email people and see who clicked on the link to your website and call them.

If you called, went in all humble and "I was looking at your website earlier today and I noticed there were a few spelling errors on it. I do web content and design and I know I;m being a bit cheeky but would you consider using my services etc" whatever feels comfortable for you along those lines. get some good stats behind you obviously as to what percentage of business is generated from a website - and what is it there to do? sell stuff? inform people?
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Posted reply 6 May 2008 19:06


I am also a self employed freelance telemarketer and have an agreement with other people that if we pass work onto eachother we charge eachother a 10% fee of the total income. If you are interested in this contact me and we can get something set up. I don't do results only as I need my regular income, but like you I also exceed expectations. I could use someone like you on my side though!

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